Frequently Asked Questions


FAQs are separated by topic


General FAQs

+ Are your sessions in-person or virtual?

All sessions are virtual via Zoom until further notice. Keep in mind that reiki energy healing is 100% effective virtually. I've noticed that some clients even like that better because they can receive the relaxing healing treatment in the comfort of their own home!

+ Do you give refunds?

Refunds are not given for services provided. If you are dissatisfied with your service send a message to and we can explore possible solutions to improve your experience.

+ Do you work with children?

No. The age requirement is 18 years or older for all services

+ Do you work with pregnant people?


+ Do you provide income based discounts or any other types of discounts?

Yes, I give a 10% discount to the folliwng...

  • Medi-Cal (aka MediCaid) recipients in California only -- this is NOT the same thing as Medicare
  • CalFresh (aka SNAP/EBT/Food Stamps) recipents in California only
  • Veterans
  • Students (full time university/college students only)

This discount is for single session purchases, and cannot be used when purchasing packages To receive this discount, please upload your identification proof to the secure client portal (ex: Medi-Cal insurance card, CalFresh benefits card, retired military ID card, enrollment verification, or current student ID).

If providing your Medi-Cal insurance card, please ensure that it is the card issued to you by your health plan (ex: LA Care Plan) and NOT your state benefits card.

FAQs about Reiki

+ What is reiki?

Reiki (pronounced “ray-key”) is a form of energy healing developed in Japan in the early 1900s by Dr. Mikao Usui. Reiki translates to “universal life force energy” and can be likened to what is known as “chi” in traditional Chinese medicine, or “prana” in the Ayurvedic system of India. It is this life force energy which a Reiki practitioner channels in order to bring healing to the individual they’re working with. During a session, the Reiki practitioner acts as a channel, or vessel, through which the life force energy is able to reach the person who is receiving the healing. Reiki is an energy that does not cause harm.

+ Reiki is a type of energy healing, but what exactly is energy healing?

By definition energy healing is “A form of complementary and alternative medicine based on the belief that a vital energy flows through the human body. The goal of energy healing is to balance the energy flow in the patient.“ (source: NIH-NCI)

+ What is the history of reiki?

Energy healing as a practice has been around, and in various cultures throughout the world since humans have been around. In the 1900s Dr. Mikao Usui in Japan developed what is known to today as the “Usui” method of reiki. Since it’s inception people have continue to develop that reiki healing method and that is why a simple Google search of reiki will show you many different versions of reiki with different names. The one I practice with is called “Usui/Holy Fire” reiki. This might lead you to wonder “which kind of reiki is the best?”. The answer is that neither reiki style is better or more effective than another because every system of Reiki channels the same universal life force energy.

Reiki traveled to the U.S. when Hawayo Takata (a Japanese-American woman who received Reiki healing in Japan) brought the teachings of Dr. Usui with her when she returned home to the U.S. Through her efforts, many Americans have been able to learn about and practice Reiki in the west. While Reiki was spreading in the west, it continued to thrive in it’s birthplace Japan as well. Chiyoko Yamaguchi was an instrumental figure in sustaining the Reiki practice in Japan, much like Takata in the U.S. Both teachers had many students, some of whom branched off and developed their own systems of Reiki as well.

+ Is reiki an invasive process? What does it feel like?

Receiving reiki is very much like a deep meditation. Your body and mind will be in the same state as if you were meditating. Meaning that you will be either sitting or lying down in a comforable and calm position for the entire session.

Reiki is not invasive and not painful. Reiki is a form of energy healing. Energy healing is subtle and gentle. Reiki is non-invasive and the client remains fully clothed during the session. The practitioner will either hover their hands over or very lightly touch the client’s body.

What a person experiences during a Reiki session varies and is unique to that individual. It’s important to remember that everyone varies in their level of sensitivity to energies. Think of it has how everyone reacts to hot chillies differently; for one person it can feel like nothing but for another person it can feel as if their mouth is on fire. So with Reiki, one person may feel profound physical sensations while receiving Reiki, while another person may feel minimal sensations. In general, most people describe feelings of calm and deep relaxation during Reiki healing. At the end of a session, people often say they feel peace, serenity, rejuvenation, and an overall feeling of optimism.

+ Can reiki work virtually? Will it still be effective

Yes and yes! Energy (in this context of energy healing) is not confined to space nor time.

+ What should I bring to my reiki appointment? How do I prepare and how long is it?

The most important preparation is to mentally and spiritually make yourself open to receiving the healing energy of Reiki. If you're spirit is not open to receiving, you will not receivie. I cannot force you to receive something you don't want. Aside from that, just bring yourself! There are no extra materials you need.

All of my sessions are virtual until further notice due to the COVID-19 pandemic. So to prepare for a virtual session just make sure that you area in a quiet comfortable place, where you can feel safe to relax. You can be sitting up or laying down, either is fine.

If it were to be an in-person session you would be laying on a massage table, so I would recommend to wear comfortable clothing. You will be asked to reomove your shoes before laying on the table, so you may want to wear socks if that makes you feel more comfortable.

+ Is reiki safe for children and babies? Pregnancy? Animals?

Yes, reiki is 100% safe for babies and children (of all ages), pregnancy (any trimester), pet animals of all kinds, and even plants! Reiki is very gentle and does not have the ability to cause harm. Whether it’s a young infant or a small puppy, the reiki energy provides only exactly what is needed.

+ Will reiki cure my disease?

Reiki is not intended to diagnose or cure any disease. There are great possibilities of it providing alleviation from an ailment, however; being cured is not promised. Reiki can be used to compliment western medical therapies such as pharmaceutical medications. Consult with your doctor if you wish to combine Reiki with other medical treatments you are currently receiving.

+ How often should I get reiki to receive any benefit?

Reiki provides tremendous healing benefits whether you receive it one time or one hundred times. The amount and frequency of Reiki sessions comes down to you as the client and what makes you feel good; there is no defined answer. You are in complete control of how often you want to receive Reiki. Just know that anytime you receive Reiki you will receive the healing benefits.

+ Is there any scientific evidence to prove the benefits of reiki?

Yes, there have been studies conducted to demonstrate the capabilties of Reiki. Check out this quote from a 2011 report...

"In both 2006 and 2008 stressed-out lab rats received Reiki treatments and they all showed significantly reduced stress, anxiety and depression responses. “Sham” or bogus Reiki treatments were given to the placebo group and they showed no reduction in stress, anxiety or depression." (Green Lotus, 2011)

Energy healing, in general, has historically been shuned by the clinical and sceintific communities at large, due to the inability to quantify in numbers something as intangible as life force energy. While energy healing doesn't at all need to be validated by scientific measures for people to know it's truth, these types of efforts help to bridge the gap and create more understanding and awareness for people who are less receptive to such forms of healing.

Here is a link to a 2017 journal article, and here is the link to the Center for Reiki Research founded by William Rand

+ What is Delilah’s reiki lineage?

  • Dr. Mikao Usui
  • Chujiro Hayashi
  • Hawayo Takata
  • Phyllis Furumoto
  • Carol Farmer
  • William L. Rand
  • Ute Fleishman
  • Elizabeth DeVries Ridgeway
  • Bernadette Doran
  • Nia Tracey Ostrand
  • Ashley Bennett -- Lisa Bennett
  • Delilah Bisase